"The most complete gift of God is a life based on knowledge" - Imam Ali

Books: Policy and Provision

Books are assigned to students so as to complement material studied in class and also to provide study material. Darul Quran has certain expectations with student handling of these materials. These expectations are outlined below.


•Textbooks will be provided at the beginning of the academic year.

•Each textbook has a name sticker at the back that needs to be filled out by the student or parent.

•Lost or damaged** books will be charged a fee at the end of the year to compensate for cost of replacement.
•Some textbooks function as workbooks as well. Writing on these books is permissible however students are strongly advised to use pencils.


We will reuse these textbooks for the new academic year hence we much appreciate if the books are returned in good condition as courtesy to the new students the following academic year.



** Damaged books include books with stains/ ripped pages/ excessive use of pens/markers/crayons or that which can not be erased.